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Club Liquid

alex chill n at club liquid

Actual caption, "Alex chill n at club liquid."

I look at Alex and think, “Never believe in limits, even when they tell you are too retarded to operate that piece of machinery.”

caption me and mom at club liquid

Actual caption, "me and mom at club liquid."

I like any club where both Alex and “Throw Momma from the Train” hang out.

club liquid baby daddy

Actual caption, "club liquid baby daddy."

Wow Club Liquid should sell itself as a place for the whole family: Moms, Baby’s Moms, and Baby’s Dads. No Responsibility Allowed!

Actual Caption, "b daddy on the club floor."

Actual Caption, "b daddy on the club floor."

If R. Kelly doesn’t write “B Daddy on the Club Floor”, I will.

By the way, that look of bliss on his face…maybe we’d all be better off if we fell down drunk in a southern Ohio dance club while our baby’s mother took pictures. Freeeedom!

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